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From EasyEngine to WordOps

WordOps was forked from EasyEngine v3, with the objective of providing an up-to-date version of EasyEngine v3, stable and ready for production. It also include several features missing in EEv3 but we want to keep WordOps as stable as possible and that's why we are not going to add new features in each new release.

Fundamental changes

  • We've deprecated the mail stack. As an alternative, you can take a look at Mail-in-a-Box, iRedMail or Caesonia. As Roundcube alternative, there is Rainloop or Afterlogic WebMail
  • Support for W3TC is dropped as a security precaution.
  • PHP 5.6 and 7.0 has been replaced by PHP 7.2 and PHP 7.3.
  • Nginx-ee package has been replaced by Nginx-wo (based on Nginx stable v1.16.1 with Brotli support)
  • HHVM stack has been removed
  • Memcached stack has been removed
  • Let's Encrypt stack isn't based on letsencrypt-auto anymore, we use to handle SSL certificates

If you are going to migrate from EasyEngine v3, here is some important information:

  • Previous PHP upstreams in Nginx will not be overwritted
  • PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.0 will not be removed or uninstalled
  • Previous Nginx common configurations will not be overwritted