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Use WordOps with a remote MySQL server

By default, if there is no local MySQl server available, WordOps will install MySQL stack for any site that require a MySQL database. But you can easily configure WordOps to use a remote MySQL server. Here the steps to follow.

Install MySQL client

This can be done with the command :

wo stack install --mysqlclient

Allow remote root connection on the remote server

Login into your remote MySQL server and grant privileges to root from a remote address :

# allow root from any address with %
mysql -e "grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@'%'  IDENTIFIED BY 'your-very-strong-password' with grant option;"

# allow root access from a specific address (
mysql -e "grant all privileges on *.* to 'root'@''  IDENTIFIED BY 'your-very-strong-password' with grant option;"

Then apply changes with :

# flush privileges to appply changes
mysql -e "flush privileges;"

Also make sure the line bind is commented in /etc/mysql/my.cnf. Otherwise, comment it and restart mysql.

Set remote MySQL server credentials

On your WordOps server, create the file /etc/mysql/conf.d/my.cnf and set your remote MySQL server crendentials, it should look like this example :

host =
user = root
password = your-very-strong-password

Update Wordops configuration

This is the last step to use your remote MySQL server, update the variable grant-host in /etc/wo/wo.conf by replacing localhost by % or your server IP.


### MySQL database grant host name
grant-host = %