WordPress sites migration¶
You want to migrate a WordPress site hosted on a server running EEv3 or WordOps to a new one running with WordOps.
The site you want to migrate was created with the flag --wpredis
In our example :
- new server name is NEW-SRV with IP
- the previous server is OLD-SRV with IP
- site domain is mydomain.tld
On the previous server (OLD-SRV)¶
Dump WordPress database¶
Go into your site directory and dump WordPress database with WP-CLI
cd /var/www/mydomain.tld/htdocs
wp db export --allow-root
If WP-CLI isn't installed on your server, you can get it by running the following commands :
curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wp-cli/builds/gh-pages/phar/wp-cli.phar
chmod +x wp-cli.phar
sudo mv wp-cli.phar /usr/local/bin/wp
On the new server (NEW-SRV)¶
Initial server update¶
apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade -y && apt-get autoremove --purge -y && apt-get autoclean
Install WordOps and main stacks¶
wget -qO wo wops.cc && sudo bash wo
wo stack install
Create an empty wordpress site with same domain¶
wo site create mydomain.tld --wpredis --vhostonly
Setup a password-less ssh access between your servers¶
Generate SSH-Keys¶
If the user on the new server do not have ssh-keys yet, you can generate them with the following command :
ssh-keygen -t ed25519
Then just press enter to confirm ssh key path.
Your public ssh key should be available in the directory ~/.ssh/
( /root/.ssh/
if you are logged in as root )
Add SSH Public key to OLD-SRV¶
You can use the following command to automatically add the public SSH Key to the server :
ssh-copy-id root@
Otherwise, you can still display the public ssh-key with the command cat ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
and copy it manually in the file ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
of the other server.
SSH Login without password¶
You should now be able to login from the server where you generated the SSH Keys to the other one without password :
ssh root@
SSH Alias and config¶
If you prefer to use an alias to login to OLD-SRV rather than using the IP, or if you want to define a custom SSH port, you just have to create/edit the file ~/.ssh/config
and to define settings this way :
Port 12345
Then you will be able to login with :
ssh root@OLD-SRV
or even with
Transfer files from OLD-SRV to NEW-SRV¶
To safely migrate files from OLD-SRV to NEW-SRV, we will use rsync because it's fast and secure (files transfer is done over SSH).
If you have configured password-less SSH login with the previous steps, and defined an alias into ~/.ssh/config
you can use the following command to copy files from OLD-SRV to NEW-SRV
rsync -avzh --progress --ignore-existing \
root@OLD-SRV:/var/www/mydomain.tld/htdocs/ \
If you haven't created the file ~/.ssh/config and use custom SSH ports, you can define SSH port with rsync by using the following command :
rsync -avzh -e "ssh -p 12345" \
--progress --ignore-existing \
root@old_server_IP:/var/www/mydomain.tld/htdocs/ \
Do not copy the file wp-config.php¶
With WordOps or EasyEngine v3, wp-config.php default path is /var/www/mydomain.tld
. If you moved it into htdocs directory, it was probably transfered with rsync during the previous step. In this case remove it or rename it before importing the database on the new server, otherwise WP-CLI may not be able to login into MySQL.
Command example to keep previous wp-config.php file as backup :
mv /var/www/mydomain.tld/htdocs/wp-config.php /var/www/mydomain.tld/wp-config.php.bak
Restore the database on NEW-SRV¶
We will use WP-CLI to easily import the database dump we have previously created on OLD-SRV.
cd /var/www/mydomain.tld/htdocs
wp db import my_domain_tld-2019-07-25-XX44z4.sql --allow-root
rm mydomain_co-2019-07-25-XX44z4.sql
Let's Encrypt¶
If your site was secured with a Let's Encrypt SSL certificate, you can issue a new certificate on NEW-SRV with the command :
wo site update mydomain.tld -le